Subsections Employee Relocation Build, Buy, or Lease (BBL) Hardship Related FAQs: Student Enrollment and Withdrawal, School Attendance Areas What is student reassignment? What documents do I need to present to the school for student reassignment? What are the categories of student reassignment? How do I request student reassignment? Are there reasons student reassignment will not be granted? I want to request student reassignment for next school year. When can I apply? How long does it take to process my reassignment request? How will I be notified about the decision for my reassignment request? If my child is approved for reassignment, can that decision be rescinded? Can a student who has been reassigned be returned to their designated school? If my child is reassigned at their current school level, will they automatically qualify for reassignment at the next level? We moved after the start of the school year. Can my child finish the current school year at his/her school? What is junior status in the context of student reassignment? What does bona fide residence mean? How can I find out which school is my child’s designated school? What happens if I am living with a person who is the deed or lease holder, but I am not on the deed/lease? Can I enroll my child if we haven't settled on our house in Howard County or if our house is being built? I live in another county, but I would like to enroll my child in a Howard County school. Can I pay tuition to enroll my child in HCPSS? How can I contact the Office of Pupil Personnel Services?