What are the categories of student reassignment?

RELOCATION - You can request reassignment under this category if you moved after the start of the current school year and would like your child to finish the school year at their current school. Tuition will be assessed if your move is out of the county. Next year, your child must attend the newly designated school. Exceptions are granted to students who have a change of residence after achieving junior status; they may remain at their current school through graduation.


BUILD, BUY, OR LEASE - A resident student whose parents have a contract to build, buy, or lease a home in a different school attendance area other than that of the student’s designated school may request reassignment to a school in the projected attendance area. Families have 90 calendar days from the first date of attendance (e.g., the student’s first day of school) to be settled in their new residence. If the student is not in the projected home within 90 calendar days of the student’s attendance, an extension may be granted. If the request for an extension is not approved, the student will be returned to the original designated school.


A nonresident student whose parents are residing out of county may attend school for up to 90 calendar days tuition free. After 90 calendar days, parents must apply for an extension. If the extension is granted, tuition will be assessed beginning on the first day of the extension. If the extension is not granted, the student will be required to attend school in the district of the current residence.


HARDSHIP - You can request reassignment under this category if there is a documented unique hardship.


EMPLOYEE - You can request reassignment under this category if you are a .5 or greater full-time equivalent HCPSS employee. Tuition will be assessed if you do not live in Howard County.