Per Policy 9000, reassignments will not be granted for the following reasons:
- The need for a particular schedule or class.
- Requests for siblings or relatives to remain enrolled at the same school.
- Addressing the impact of redistricting decisions, except for students with an IEP, Section 504 Plan, or those with at least one parent who is currently active duty military personnel.
- Accommodating childcare arrangements.
In addition, the following reasons are not considered unique family hardships as, countywide, thousands of families manage similar challenges, concerns, or beliefs annually:
- Divorce or separation
- School safety concerns or peer conflicts that have not been brought to the attention of the school
- Neighborhood conflicts
- Impacts from the pandemic
- Familiarity/comfort with a particular school
- Statements by parent/guardian of undiagnosed mental health concerns (e.g., my child does not like change; my child is anxious)
- Missed deadlines for programs (e.g., JROTC)
- Withdrawal from the JROTC program
- A change in residence prior to the start of the school year and/or prior to a student achieving junior status
- Conflicts with administration and/or specific teachers
- Unhappiness with school staff
- Belief that another school can better support a child
- To finish the organizational level at current school (e.g., my child wants to stay at their current school through 5th grade even though we moved out of district before the school year started)
- Concerns related to transportation/walking distance to school
- Proximity of a school to the child’s home, a relative’s home, and/or a parent/guardian’s work location
- Parent/guardian’s work schedule
- A school’s start time and end time
Student reassignment is not the appropriate process to address dissatisfaction with Individual Educational Plan (IEP) accommodations and/or placement decisions or for Section 504 grievances. Such accommodations are made by an IEP team in order to implement a student’s IEP and provide a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) as mandated in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Please follow the proper due process for IEP concerns or Section 504 grievances.