If my child is approved for reassignment, can that decision be rescinded? Can a student who has been reassigned be returned to their designated school?

Yes, if the student has not enrolled/transferred to the approved school within 30 calendar days from the date of approval, the reassignment approval will be considered declined and will be rescinded by HCPSS. 

In addition, if a student does not meet attendance expectations as described in the HCPSS Student Code of Conduct and Policy 9010 - Attendance. Such decision is made by the current principal in consultation with the Director of Schools, after a review process has been applied, and proper notification to the student, parents, and the principal of the designated school.

If your child was approved for student reassignment and you no longer want them to be reassigned, please complete this form. The Office of Pupil Personnel Services will follow up with you once the request is processed.