What is a planning polygon?

Polygons are geographic areas that can follow physical features, such as streets and water features, or subdivision or property boundaries. A polygon is a planning unit used to assign housing and student population projections for purposes of boundary reviews. These units can be assembled into attendance areas to model boundary scenarios. The terms “polygon”, “planning area” and “planning unit” may be used interchangeably.  

When and why does the Board of Education adjust school attendance areas?

HCPSS reviews school attendance areas each year to balance school capacities with enrollments but actual attendance area adjustments are less frequent. Rapid growth in Howard County requires the school system to consider adjustment of school attendance areas to balance capacity utilization across regions. Additionally, boundaries are reviewed when new capacity is added through building additions and when a new school is opening. The county has opened 22 new schools in the last 30 years. 

What is the final decision on redistricting for the 2023-2024 school year?

On November 17, 2022, the Board of Education finalized its Attendance Area Adjustment Plan related to the redistricting process to open New High School #13. Additionally, the Board voted to exempt several student groups from the redistricting decision, allowing them the option of remaining at their current school or attending the newly assigned school.

Full details can be found online.