When will inclement weather asynchronous instruction days be used?

It is HCPSS Superintendent Dr. Michael Martirano's intention that effective Nov. 2, 2022, this option will be utilized as the first three inclement weather days, barring extreme circumstances, such as a countywide internet outage, major blizzard, etc. Once all three inclement weather asynchronous instruction days have been used, we will notify staff, students and families, and all remaining weather-related incidents will be used as traditional inclement weather days.

How can I find my polygon number?

Polygons are geographic areas that can follow physical features, such as streets and water features, or subdivision or property boundaries. A polygon is a planning unit used to assign housing and student population projections for purposes of boundary reviews. 

Families and community members can find their polygon number by going to the HCPSS School Locator and typing their address in the white search box at the top left corner of the map.

How do I sign up for winter 2023 parent-teacher conferences?

Elementary school parent-teacher conferences will be held Feb. 9-10, 2023. Feb. 9 afternoon conferences will be in person and evening conferences for those teachers who are offering them will be virtual. Feb. 10 conferences will be virtual. Parents/guardians can register via HCPSS Connect Synergy beginning at 8 a.m. Friday, Jan. 27 through 4 p.m. Feb. 3.

Parents/guardians must log in with their own credentials. Please check to be sure you are not logged in as your child.