My student plays a sport or stays after school and will not need transportation after school for an extended period of time. Should I still register?

There will be predetermined times throughout the year that allow families to change their transportation request. We anticipate these dates will be quarterly and will most likely fall around the marking periods. 

Why was my student previously eligible for bus service but isn’t eligible now?

HCPSS Policy 5200 Student Transportation extended the distance between a student’s home and school that determines their eligibility for bus transportation. Utilizing transportation software, measurements will begin at the property boundary of the school/school campus from the closest adjacent suitable pathway and end at the property line of the bona fide residence.

What if I/my child misses the bus?

Students who miss the bus in the mornings will need to have alternate transportation to school. Students who arrive after school start time will need to be signed in/sign in.

For school dismissals, buses are released by school staff. Sometimes students are held up at school for unforeseen reasons and miss their bus. Once buses depart the school, drivers are not able to return to pick up any students who have missed their buses. Students will need to wait in the school office until a parent/guardian or approved emergency contact arrives to get them.

Does HCPSS offer special transportation services for children with disabilities?

HCPSS provides specialized transportation to students with a disability in accordance with the child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan. Occasionally, a student requires special transportation because of a temporary disability.

Please contact your child's school to discuss your needs and to complete any appropriate forms. 

Can bus stop times be changed?

All HCPSS buses operate on a comprehensive schedule that helps to ensure that the system operates safely and efficiently while delivering students to school safely and on time. Because of the number of students needing transportation, and to ensure effective scheduling, overall bus schedules cannot be adjusted to accommodate an individual request.