Subsections Lightspeed Systems Related FAQs: HCPSS Connect Will students be given HCPSS-issued laptops and do they bring them to school each day? Is there a cost to use HCPSS-issued Chromebooks? What if an HCPSS-issued Chromebook is damaged? What if an HCPSS-issued device is lost or stolen? What if I/my child doesn't have internet access at home? How can I receive support for technology or related issues? Can I add my child’s school-issued Google account to our personal Chromebook? My child is new to the school system. How do they log in to HCPSS computers and applications? How can I connect my Chromebook to Wi-Fi? What should I do if I don’t remember my password? What if I am having trouble logging in? What is the benefit to using an HCPSS-provided Chromebook? How will HCPSS ensure student privacy and security on technology devices?