Do I have the option to accept or reject the Alternative Service Delivery Model (ASDM) amendment to the IEP proposal?

Note: This help topic is out of date and currently archived.

Yes, parents are given the option of accepting the proposal as is, conferencing with the case manager to discuss the proposal, or requesting a meeting with the IEP team. A parent’s signature on the proposal confirms the selection of one of the following options:

If parents agree with the proposal as it is first written, parents may accept the proposal and sign the form confirming their selection.

If parents have questions about the proposal, they may request an informal conference.

If parents do not agree with the proposal (which should be considered a draft for review and consideration), parents may state that they do not agree and request an IEP meeting. Simply check the box on the ASDM amendment to the IEP proposal that reads, “I do not consent to make an ASDM plan without a formal IEP team meeting. I understand that the IEP team will be convened virtually. I understand the meeting will be held as soon as possible and, in the meantime, virtual learning opportunities and services may be implemented for my child until the IEP team meeting can be held.”

The parent’s signature on the Notice of the ASDM Plan does not constitute a waiver of implementation of the child’s full IEP when we return to normal operations or a waiver of parental rights at any time.