What instructional supports will be provided to special education students who have to quarantine?

Note: This help topic is out of date and currently archived.

Obligations under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) remain in effect even when a student with a disability must quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure. HCPSS is required to provide a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to students with disabilities. 

Special Education case managers will contact parents to discuss a plan for services through an Alternative Service Delivery Model (ASDM) to provide FAPE under the federal law and meet expectations of the Maryland State Department of Education. 

During quarantine, students with an IFSP or IEP will have access to instructional support provided to all students during quarantine as well as services based on their current IFPS or IEP. Educators and/or support staff will ensure the elementary student has a packet of instructional materials from the student’s grade level and/or a different grade level that is more aligned with their instructional needs. Students, regardless of grade, may also receive materials of instruction from their teachers that they would have received during in-person instruction or other individualized work assignments. Students can also participate in the check-in sessions with their teachers during the designated times to receive support or services related to their individual instructional materials and needs. 

If the student with a disability is in a classroom that is under full quarantine, they will receive virtual instruction from the general educator, special educator and/or paraeducator. This is in addition to the supports, services, and materials mentioned above. 

Related and support services must also be delivered whenever possible. As is the case of some instructional services, the scheduling of some related and support services while a child is in quarantine may be impacted because of the type of service required to fully address the student’s needs or the location that is necessary to carry out the service in a complete and safe manner.