What is the status of the appeals made by families in non-transportation areas who believe they should receive transportation service for issues of safety?

Note: This help topic is out of date and currently archived.

Decisions for appeals will be communicated to the appellant by August 1, 2023. The Office of Student Transportation is working through the process detailed in the Implementation Procedures for Board of Education Policy 5200 Student Transportation as quickly as possible, understanding that this process requires the Student Walking Route and Bus Stop Review Committee, made up of government agencies and a community member, to consider the appeal. 

The changes to Policy 5200 moved approximately 3,500 students to non-transportation areas. To date, the Office of Student Transportation has received complaints from approximately 230 families and has responded to all of them, in addition to investigating all safety concerns raised. The Office of Student Transportation will continue to monitor the process of the Student Walking Route and Bus Stop Review Committee as they work to resolve any remaining appeals they have received.