For the 2021-2022 school year, how will school teams prepare to make determinations about the need for Compensatory Education/Recovery Services? What type of data will the school be looking at and how will they collect the data?

All decisions related to the special education programming for the student will be driven by data. This means that before school teams can make a decision about Compensatory Education/Recovery Services, schools will review data on the student. School teams will examine three types of data:

  • Pre-virtual instruction data that reflects how the student was performing when they were in a school building one year ago.
  • Virtual instruction data that reflects the student’s progress, engagement, attendance and the provision of services, accommodations, supports, etc. during virtual instruction and small groups.
  • Return to school data that will be collected upon the student’s return to buildings to obtain a new baseline, measure regression and monitor recoupment of skills and knowledge.