What is the difference between the one- and two-day options?

Note: This help topic is out of date and currently archived.

As HCPSS gathers commitments for children to receive instruction in-person or virtual, class rosters will be analyzed to determine whether all students requesting in-person instruction can safely attend two days per week based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. The school system recognizes that families may prefer to only send students in-person if they will receive in-person instruction for two days per week, whereas other families may prefer to send students in-person even if it is for one day per week. If a family selects the two-day-only option and the school is only able to have students attend in-person for one day, the child would then receive fully virtual instruction for the remainder of the school year.

Due to space limitations and social distancing requirements, and depending on the number of students participating, HCPSS may be able to accommodate students in school for only one day per week. This decision would be made on a school-by-school basis.