How will my elementary school student log in to their device when they return in person?

Note: This help topic is out of date and currently archived.

For students returning to in-person instruction, especially those in primary grades, we ask that you work with your child to learn their login and password. This will ensure a smooth transition from virtual to hybrid. 

Logging in to the device independently can be a challenge for some students. Please practice this routine several times a day prior to our return. Writing the username and password on an index card is helpful. Have your child practice finding the letters and numbers on their keyboard. Avoid typing for students, instead point to the keys, and require your child to type. When they have mastered typing them independently, work toward memorizing each. 

Suggested strategies to build automaticity:

  • Write your child’s username and password on this Chromebook Keyboard Practice Worksheet. Have your child color the keys in their username and password. Place next to the computer or hang up by the computer for your child to refer to each time they login.
  • Incentivize 
    • Allow your child some extra free choice time on the computer after a successful login.
    • Add a sticker to the back of their index card or Practice Worksheet each time they log in successfully on their own.

Please note! For privacy purposes, please do not have this information attached to their device. Writing it in an index card, journal or folder is suggested. You may also fill out this Student Tip Sheet, which they can bring to school.