Will HCPSS transition to virtual instruction during inclement weather for the 2021-2022 school year?

Note: This help topic is out of date and currently archived.

With the 2021-2022 school year, HCPSS will return to pre-COVID weather protocols. These include school closings, delays and early dismissals when necessary due to severe weather, and apply to all schools and students, including those participating in the Digital Education Center. 

State law currently requires that school systems be open for 180 days of in-person instruction, meaning that any days of fully virtual instruction would not count toward the 180 day requirement. For this reason, at this time HCPSS will not transition to virtual learning during weather emergencies.

All announcements of emergency/weather closings or delays will be shared with the community through our website, email and text, and Twitter. The current operating status of our system is always identified on the HCPSS status website.

Also see What are the HCPSS inclement weather protocols for 2021-2022 and how do parents receive notifications?