For students in quarantine who receive special education services, what is the timeline for providing services?

Note: This help topic is out of date and currently archived.

In alignment with the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), school staff will begin the process to provide supports to students in alignment with their IEP as soon as possible after learning they must quarantine and not more than one school day after.  During this time, staff will provide services and supports to the greatest extent possible and will log the services provided and/or missed. 

From the date of quarantine, the IEP will be revised (if necessary) and finalized within a few school days. The revision will be completed even if the student returns to school prior to the process being completed. 

In the event staff are unable to reach parents/guardians, they will move forward with the process. Parents/guardians will be provided with the proposed revisions and will have time to respond prior to the finalization of the amended IEP.

If a parent/guardian is not contacted following the start of a quarantine period, they should notify their school administrator. Schools will work with the HCPSS Department of Special Education to promptly address questions.