Why is the Superintendent proposing budget increases and making budget reductions at the same time?

There are requirements that HCPSS must meet that drive new expenditures. The proposed budget adds $71.7 million and 132.3 new positions which fall under three categories: 

  • Legal mandates are budget changes necessary to meet cost increases to continue implementing the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and total $8.9 million and 55.60 new positions.
  • Commitments support costs for existing obligations, including health care costs, total $22.7 million and 2.00 new positions.
  • Priorities represent those budget items that support existing policy, Superintendent or Board defined goals and objectives, and specific issues and total $40.2 million and 74.7 new positions. 

To see a breakdown of the mandates, commitments and priorities, refer to the Summary of FY 2025 Superintendent’s Proposed Operating Budget Expenditures under the Factors Influencing and Summary of the Budget section in the Superintendent’s FY 2025 Proposed Operating Budget book.

In order to fund these mandated and priority expenditures and take into account a realistic funding scenario based on projected State and County revenues, the proposed budget incorporates $46.6 million in reductions to existing, non-mandated programs and services to bring a balanced budget scenario to the Board. 

The information contained in this answer relates to the Superintendent’s FY 2025 Proposed Operating Budget, which was published on Jan. 18, 2024. Please see FAQs on the Board of Education’s FY 2025 Requested Operating Budget for what has changed. View the full FY 2025 Operating Budget timeline and versions of each budget as they become available.