What was proposed by the Superintendent to be cut from the budget?

The Superintendent’s FY 2025 Proposed Operating Budget includes $46.6 million in reductions to existing services and a reduction of 347.85 existing positions. These proposed reductions help offset some of the cost increases related to the budget additions and put forward a County funding request that is consistent with last year’s new funding amount of $47 million. The reductions fall into two major areas:

  • Programmatic School-Based reductions directly affect school instruction and operation and total $24.6 million and 245.80 existing positions. 
  • Programmatic Non-School-Based reductions impact Central Office services and systemwide costs that support students, staff, and the operation of schools and total approximately $22.0 million and 102.05 existing positions.

To see a breakdown of the proposed reductions, refer to the Budget Reductions under the Factors Influencing and Summary of the Budget section in the Superintendent’s FY 2025 Proposed Operating Budget book.

The information contained in this answer relates to the Superintendent’s FY 2025 Proposed Operating Budget, which was published on Jan. 18, 2024. Please see FAQs on the Board of Education’s FY 2025 Requested Operating Budget for what has changed. View the full FY 2025 Operating Budget timeline and versions of each budget as they become available.